
Medicare and “The Affordable Care Act”

Does the Affordable Care Act Affect Your Medicare? With most of the changes included in the Affordable Care Act officially starting in 2014, seniors often ask: “How does this affect my Medicare coverage”? This is a good question to ask, and an important one. Most things like the open enrollment period (October 15th – December

Medicare Advantage Plans – Explained

Medicare Advantage Plans are often referred to as Medicare “Part C”. A Medicare Advantage plan “replaces” original Medicare.  A private insurer provides all Part A and Part B benefits, and often prescription drug coverage (Part D), as well, all in one plan.  These plans usually require the use of doctors and hospitals within a network,

11 Tips for Handling Telemarketing Scams and Suspicious Calls

Every year thousands of people are losing money thanks to Telemarketing scams. Whether they are selling health insurance, security systems, a trip to Vegas, or the chance to win a free car – the pitch is the same. By remembering these 10 tips for handling suspicious calls, you can protect your hard earned cash.  

Part D

Medicare Part D is the prescription drug portion of Medicare.  Part D can be obtained through a stand-alone prescription drug plan, or through a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C). You are able to sign up for a Prescription Drug Plan at certain times of the year, and at special events within your lifetime. You may

Turning 65 and Still Working – What Are My Options?

For most people, turning age 65 means becoming eligible for Medicare. If you have no health insurance currently, this is a fairly simple process. If however you are still working and have health insurance from your employer, you may be wondering what options you have. Part A of Medicare if Still Working? The first thing

Medicare: 7 Do’s and Don’ts

If you are just now beginning to apply for Medicare, here is a list of Do’s and Don’ts that will help you through the process: 1. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Many people are reluctant to ask questions and instead just try to figure out the details of Medicare on their own. Here at Armor