
Part D Income Adjustment (IRMAA)

IRMAA is the Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount that could be applied to your Part D premiums. It only affects those Medicare beneficiaries who have a high enough income. More specifically, if you have a modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) of more than $85,000 then you may pay additional Medicare Part D Income-Related Monthly Adjusted Amount

Medicare and “The Affordable Care Act”

Does the Affordable Care Act Affect Your Medicare? With most of the changes included in the Affordable Care Act officially starting in 2014, seniors often ask: “How does this affect my Medicare coverage”? This is a good question to ask, and an important one. Most things like the open enrollment period (October 15th – December

Medicare Advantage Plans – Explained

Medicare Advantage Plans are often referred to as Medicare “Part C”. A Medicare Advantage plan “replaces” original Medicare.  A private insurer provides all Part A and Part B benefits, and often prescription drug coverage (Part D), as well, all in one plan.  These plans usually require the use of doctors and hospitals within a network,